Become a part of the
Intershop team

We’re always on the lookout for new talents who enrich our culture and want to boost our customers and partners forward with their knowledge, skills, expertise, and energy. The time is now - seize your chance!

Our Team

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Employees worldwide


Locations worldwide

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6 reasons why you should be a part of the Intershop team!

challenging tasks
Varied and challenging tasks:

With more than 300 customers, a global network of partners and an international team, you won't get bored easily.

Personal and professional development:

From table football to training, coffee to coaching - Intershop is the place to grow.

Work in other countries and on international projects:

San Francisco, Jena, Melbourne: the world of e-commerce is truly global. You’ll find us wherever our expertise is needed - and wherever you want to work.

A motivated and highly qualified team:

We value results. Our 300-strong staff shares a single goal: to be the best - together. You can only benefit from our 30 years of e-commerce experience.

Flat hierarchies and an open business culture:

We need strong personalities, not cubicle clones. Our senior staff members see themselves as coaches, not captains. We  set the course for the future together.

Cutting-edge technologies and market-leading products:

Our products and services are the backbone of modern online commerce. Be a part of our story!

Your team is already waiting for you! Our job offers:


Applicant FAQs

Who are you looking for?

If you are looking for a job where you can prove yourself and realize your ideas, we would like to get to know you!

Regardless of whether you are still studying, have little or a lot of professional experience: With us, bright minds will find the right opportunity in various areas of an internationally successful software company.

Where do you have vacancies?

Home office, headquarters in Jena, offices worldwide: We are flexible in the location of your new workplace. Our international offices allow you to remain as flexible as your life demands. Hybrid working is a priority for us and gives you the freedom to organize your work location flexibly.

How can I apply?

The best way is online! The application process is lightning fast via our careers page and the online forms provided in the job advertisements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our recruiting team at any time.

Can I also submit a speculative application?

Of course! Please describe in a cover letter exactly which activity in which department you have in mind. We will be happy to evaluate a path that works out for all of us.

Does Intershop treat application data confidentially?

Of course! Only the recruiters and department leaders will see your application documents.

When is the best time to apply?

Flexibility is our top priority: Intershop hires continuously, not just at the beginning of a month. Feel free to talk to us about your ideas and starting possibilities. Please consider your current notice periods and include them in your planning.

When is my application complete?

Since we want to keep your application process fast and uncomplicated, we only need your personal data and your current CV in the first step. You are welcome to provide additional documents as an option. If necessary, we will request certificates or other documents from you later. This way, there's no hurdle in you joining the #bestteam.

What happens after my application has been sent?

You will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt by e-mail. We review your documents and coordinate with the responsible persons in the relevant department. As soon as a decision has been made, we will contact you and discuss the next steps together.

What does an interview look like?

Flexibility is our top priority: whether by phone, online via Microsoft Teams, on-site at a place of your choice or even over a coffee during your lunch break. Meet us however you feel comfortable. You'll meet your future manager at the interview, as well as representatives from your new team and HR. If you wish, we can also arrange team interviews so that you can get a holistic impression of the new department.

After introductions, you will have the opportunity to talk about yourself and your career so far. You will also have the opportunity to explain your motivation for the job and ask questions.

Depending on the position and the need for a discussion, there may also be a second interview - even initiated by you.

In which language is the conversation conducted?

We usually speak German, but we can also switch to English - because English is an important part of our daily communication. If you feel more confident in English, it is also possible to conduct the entire interview in English.

Dress code?

It is important to us that you feel comfortable and that the relaxed atmosphere is not disturbed by "dressing up".

What happens after the interview(s)?

You will receive feedback on how to proceed within one week. If we decided in your favor, you will receive a digital contract offer for approval, and the original as soon as all open questions have been clarified.

Can I reapply after a rejection?

If it didn't work out, it only means that you weren't the perfect fit at that time or for that position. You are welcome to reapply at any time and you may even find a more suitable position in the #bestteam at Intershop.

Can I withdraw my application?

This is of course a pity, but possible. Just write an email to

How do I have my application documents deleted?

After completion of the application process, your data will be automatically deleted after 6 months. If you wish an earlier deletion, please contact us via

Unsolicited application

You want to become a part of the Intershop team, but we currently don't have the perfect position for you? Then send us an unsolicited application! We are always looking for dynamic, qualified employees who want to take e-commerce to the next level with us. Let us know why you are who we want. We look forward to receiving your application documents!

YOUR CONTACT Melanie Albert HR Generalist Phone