Intershop Customer Wuerth Würth visual: Realizing an omnichannel concept

Close to the customer – online and offline

Würth creates seamless omnichannel experiences with Intershop.

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Würth Group-image

Whether intelligent dispensers filled with tools or shelves that replenish themselves thanks to automated reordering or other state-of-the-art solutions, Würth welcomes digitalization like no other company. Intershop’s e-commerce solution is at the heart of this strategy, providing flexibility and stability. However, despite all of its commitment, Würth’s management does not lose sight of the most important thing in B2B: personal customer contact.

The Würth Group is the global market leader in its core business—the sale of fastening and assembly materials. It consists of more than 400 companies in over 80 countries with approximately 87,000 employees. This traditional family business has transformed itself into an omnichannel organization, with the customer at the center of all innovations.

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Würth Group ManufacturingWholesale


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billion euros revenue in 2023


percent of sales generated online

The challenge
  • Map complex business processes (company structure, purchasing organization within Würth and on the customer side) via one central platform
  • Create a network of fully integrated touchpoints for more service sales and increasingly satisfied customers
  • Individual prices at each customer contact point at any time on any device
The result
  • 43 websites, 37 countries, 14 languages, 8 currencies – one single platform: Intershop!
  • Seamless integration of the Intershop Commerce Platform into Würth’s complex IT infrastructure
  • Omni-channel concept with fully integrated customer touchpoints, such as online shop, hand scanner, app, smart shelves, vending machines or TwinBin
  • Customer-centric approach: individually tailored web shops addressing the specific needs and preferences of each customer
  • E-business sales experience above-average growth: omnichannel strategy shows its worth also in the Coronavirus crisis
"For us, e-business is more than just a web shop."
Gerard Scheffel Head of E-Commerce at Würth
Want to know more about topics mentioned? B2B ManufacturingWholesale

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Alexander Koerbs
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