Release Changelog

Our products are improving continuously. Every new release provides enhancements, fixes, or new features. On this page we provide an overview of recent improvements regarding the Intershop Commerce Platform. Including updates and additions for Commerce Management, Progressive Web App and Order Management. For more detailed information about all Intershop products, please visit our Knowledge Base.

Visual: Release changelog

Intershop E-Commerce Platform

  1. Progressive Web App | Release 5.0

    Starting with this release, the PWA is compatible with ICM 11.7+ and comes with an update to Angular 16. Multiple NGINX instances can now share the same Redis cache. Additionally, this release introduces co-browsing support for the Intershop Customer Engagement Center as well as experimental support for the Design View. Find the full changelog on GitHub.

  2. Commerce Management | Release 7.10.41

    The latest release now allows for ICM installation also on Ubuntu. Additionally, JDBC/Batch import functionality has been enabled.

  3. Order Management | Release 4.5

    Intershop Order Management 4.5 brings enhanced customer care features, extended customer data housekeeping, visible project numbers in OMT Backoffice, configurable custom tabs, an improved Order REST API that allows searching for order status by e-mail address, and improved support for shipping buckets.


Progressive Web App

  1. Progressive Web App | Release 5.0

    Starting with this release, the PWA is compatible with ICM 11.7+ and comes with an update to Angular 16. Multiple NGINX instances can now share the same Redis cache. Additionally, this release introduces co-browsing support for the Intershop Customer Engagement Center as well as experimental support for the Design View. Find the full changelog on GitHub.

  2. Progressive Web App | Release 4.2

    PWA 4.2 brings several accessibility improvements, additional monitoring metrics, better handling of "SameSite" and "Secure" cookie settings, improved SSR performance and other improvements based on community feedback. More details on GitHub.

  3. Progressive Web App | Release 4.1

    This release is heavily influenced by feedback and input from the community - thank you for your support. The AddressDoctor integration ensures accurate address validation and package delivery. OCI punchout configuration was added, and themes are now dynamically customizable with CSS custom properties. “Accept only essential” is introduced to cookie consent management. In addition to improved token endpoint handling, this release also includes further accessibility improvements with positive effects on SEO. Find more release details and additions on GitHub.

  4. Progressive Web App | Release 4.0

    This major release comes with a bunch of new features for B2B-Buyers. We added Product Notifications for price and availability changes. Furthermore, Product Zoom is now available in a full screen dialogue and a clean print view is available for quick and easy PDF export. We have also introduced account navigation grouping and we updated to Angular 15. See all enhancements and updates on GitHub.

  5. Progressive Web App | Release 3.3

    To make the PWA more accessible to people with disabilities, we will provide improvements with each new release to also comply with the European Accessibility Act by 2025. In addition to design preview support for ICM, we have added the Message to Merchant feature to the checkout. Find the full change log on GitHub.

  6. Progressive Web App | Release 3.2

    PWA 3.2 uses ICM '/token' REST endpoint for authentication. For better analyzing, metrics of theme instances are provided and combined. Addresses can now easily be updated via the My Account Addresses page. More details on GitHub.

  7. Progressive Web App | Release 3.1

    PWA 3.1 now provides support for two separate applications in hybrid mode and a PWA Hybrid Demo is available. Next to more expressive displaying of server errors for easier problem analyzing, the following was added: a specific header component for error, customer approval and personal data request (GDPR) handling. See more additions and updates on GitHub.

  8. Progressive Web App | Release 3.0

    The new major release contains an update to Angular 14, as well as an update of the ESLint Rules in terms of accessibility and an upgrade to Cypress 10.
    It is now possible to create product reviews on the product detail page. In addition, users can now navigate faster using the new “Back To Top” button. In terms of SEO optimization, full hierarchy is available in the paths of content, product, and category URLs. The footer is now manageable via CMS. Furthermore, the basket performance has been improved for large baskets by means of several adaptions.

  9. Progressive Web App | Release 2.4

    The PWA 2.4 displays product reviews on the product detail page and dynamic promotion messages in the shopping cart. Additionally, you can selectively activate source maps on runtime.

  10. Progressive Web App | Release 2.3

    Our new 2.3 release introduces price update strategies, makes product service default attributes easily overridable, and provides clean localizations on used sources.

  11. Progressive Web App | Release 2.2

    With PWA 2.2 customers can set a desired delivery date for their order. The display of scaled prices is also supported. For better operations we introduced a new logging format, and developers can now better reuse existing form fields to improve development efficiency and avoid duplicate code.

  12. Progressive Web App | Release 2.1

    PWA 2.1 supports personalization via catalog views, customer-specific assortments and customer-specific pricing. The navigation can now be extended via CMS without development effort. For more efficient deployment in cloud environments we now provide a Helm chart for PWA via Github and all released PWA versions as containers via Docker Hub.

  13. Progressive Web App | Release 2.0

    The new major release contains an update to Angular 13, updates of all 3rd party libraries as well as a migration from TSLint to ESLint for better development support.
    Content Editors can now manage content for many additional pages like product pages, category pages, cart and checkout pages, and my account pages.
    The store finder allows customers to search for nearby stores to support online and offline customer journeys in a better way.

  14. Progressive Web App | Release 1.4

    With PWA 1.4 B2B customer organisations can manage cost centers, define and monitor cost center budgets, and assign users with admin or buyer roles to cost centers. Improved caching results in better page performance, and server side rendering can be enabled or disabled for end users and web crawlers separately.

  15. Progressive Web App | Release 1.3

    The new release supports cost center approval for B2B customers in order to allow for more sophisticated purchasing processes. To ease quick order via CSV file, a sample file is now available for this type of order.

  16. Progressive Web App | Release 1.2

    Release 1.2 is focused on performance improvements. Loading times of many pages were reduced and enhanced caching results in much better overall performance. For developers we provide more convenience when working with multiple themes and multiple branches.

  17. Progressive Web App | Release 1.1

    The new version allows B2B customers to select a cost center during checkout, display and download of documents related to products, and several improvements for Punchout support, single sign on and translation handling.

  18. Progressive Web App | Release 1.0

    Our first major release comes with better multi-theme and customization support, improved operations, several new business features and new CMS components. It is also the first long term support version of PWA, receiving ongoing updates for critical issues for the next 12 months.

  19. Progressive Web App | Release 0.31

    In the new PWA release localization management via Intershop Commerce Management is supported. Further improvements were made in the handling of locales as well as multi-channel setup.

  20. Progressive Web App | Release 0.30

    The new release contains improvements for Single Sign On. New users can now be added to existing company accounts by using external Identity Management solutions. For cXML Punchout we now support self-service configuration of connections to procurement systems.

  21. Progressive Web App | Release 0.29

    The new PWA version now supports cXML Punchout (creating a cXML Punchout session, creating a basket, cXML Punchout to a procurement system) as well as additional OCI Punchout features. B2B companies can now also register accounts using external identity providers. Developers can now use an overwriting mechanism to specifically overwrite any file in order to ease customization and upgrading.

  22. Progressive Web App | Release 0.28

    With the new release developers can easily build complex forms with the help of the Formly library. Multi-system configuration support allows using one PWA for any number of Interhop Commerce Management systems, saving operational costs. PWA is now even faster as well through an optimized bundle size.

  23. Progressive Web App | Release 0.27

    Next to Cybersource credit card payment support, this release comes with Punchout functionality. Including user management, basket transmission and functions routing (OCI Punchout). And we have even more features, follow the link below for all details.

  24. Progressive Web App | Release 0.26

    In the newest version order approval for B2B customers is supported, enabling more complex purchasing processes. B2C customers can now login via external identity providers like Facebook, Google etc. and use checkout acceleration for more convenient shopping.


Commerce Management

  1. Commerce Management | Release 7.10.41

    The latest release now allows for ICM installation also on Ubuntu. Additionally, JDBC/Batch import functionality has been enabled.

  2. Commerce Management | Release 7.10.40

    This release contains a new line item discount feature, file upload validation, further custom attributes for the order XML export, and the desired delivery date is now displayed in the back office. Furthermore, several REST APIs were updated, and SEO sitemap generation for PWA 3 is available.

  3. Commerce Management | Release 7.10.39

    As of this release, file uploads can be limited to certain media types to prevent potentially dangerous files from being uploaded. Moreover, the Design View now supports the Progressive Web App, and updated versions of the Basket REST API and the Product & Category REST API are available.

  4. Commerce Management | Release 7.10.38 (LTS)

    This Long Term Support release contains various improvements in the Product & Category REST API in connection with the search index for stabilization and better performance. Furthermore, the handling of scale price quantities as well as price list deletion in the back office have been reworked. The LTS release also includes jQuery framework and library updates.

  5. Commerce Management | Release 7.10.36

    From this version it is possible to export orders without changing their status, which is useful when transferred to systems such as BI Data Hub. In addition, this release includes several REST API updates, such as for the Requisition Approval REST API and the Quoting REST API.

  6. Commerce Management | Release 7.10.35

    This release features updates related to cXML - a global setting to define the locale to be used for cXML Punchout baskets, as well as new attributes for user-specific adjustments. For the storefront's main navigation, it is now possible to define the subcategory depth. Furthermore updated versions of the Promotion REST API and the Product & Category REST API are available.

  7. Commerce Management | Release 7.10.34

    This release contains a unit of measure code mapping in the cXML Punchout, an improved data replication error handling, and a Promotion API update which allows for the consideration of code-based promotions in the retrieval of promotion lists.

  8. Commerce Management | Release 7.10.33

    This release introduces the buying context for baskets and orders in a B2B context. This feature allows to have a more fine-grained structuring of a business customer and its users to reflect the customer's organization structure.

  9. Commerce Management | Release 7.10.32 (LTS)

    This is our second Long-term-support release, coming with a new REST API which allows to retrieve scaled prices, an improved Contact Us e-mail, and the Responsive Starter Store being optimized for Core Web Vitals metrics. Further improvements include an option to disable the A/B test function and a new batch process cleanup job.

  10. Commerce Management | Release 7.10.31

    With this release new database views were introduced for easier product data querying, Cloudinary CDN is available for image management, and it is possible to enable/disable the Subscription feature now. Furthermore, an update to Tomcat 9 is included, and the latest cXML order injection implementation allows for easy customization of the provided functionality.

  11. Commerce Management | Release 7.10.30

    This release provides pipelets for accelarating the product import, further fine-grained roles have been added to the user management in the Intershop Organization Management (Operations), and cXML user management is available in the Punchout API now. Furthermore, we solved some replication-related issues.

  12. Commerce Management | Release 7.10.29

    With this release more specific roles for system administration users have been introduced in Intershop Organization Management (Operations). Furthermore, cXML Punchout is now supported, product import has been enhanced, and the SQL Script Preparer uses UTF-8 character sets, so it is possible to prepare names and descriptions for multiple locales. For details, follow the link below.

  13. Commerce Management | Release 7.10.28

    As of this release, it is possible to customize the customer REST API to transfer additional attributes. Further changes include support for more OCI functions in the OCI Punchout REST API as well as a validation when importing synonym files for the search index configuration

  14. Commerce Management | Release 7.10.27

    Now you can configure Single Sign-On in a way that allows to maintain user data in external systems. Further updates include configurable CORS filters as well as a new job and process chains to maintain search indexes in a more convenient way.

  15. BI Data Hub | Release 1.0

    Our Business Intelligence Data Hub is now available and provides features like real-time tracking, reports & dashboards with ready-to-use templates.

  16. Commerce Management | Release 7.10.26 (LTS)

    This is our first Long-term-support release and features new promotion conditions, MSSQL database optimizations and some changes in the REST API documentation. Furthermore, B2B buyers can now invite other personas to their customer organization.

  17. Customer Engagement Center | Release 1.0

    Make use of our Customer Engagement Center and connect with your customers, help them find what they need, and increase the value of every order.


Order Management

  1. Order Management | Release 4.5

    Intershop Order Management 4.5 brings enhanced customer care features, extended customer data housekeeping, visible project numbers in OMT Backoffice, configurable custom tabs, an improved Order REST API that allows searching for order status by e-mail address, and improved support for shipping buckets.

  2. Order Management | Release 4.4

    Intershop Order Management 4.4 provides improved return request handling by allowing one or more contacts to be added to a return request. Furthermore, infrastructure updates include new versions of WildFly and Jakarta EE.

  3. Order Management | Release 4.3

    Intershop Order Management 4.3 introduces single sign-on to our back-office via Azure Active Directory or Keycloak. The debtor management has been extended to provide separate export configurations for sales orders and purchase orders. Additionally, the RMA approval process now supports decision beans to enhance functionality for more convenient customization.

  4. Order Management | Release 4.2

    Intershop Order Management 4.2 comes with an improved transmission REST API and enhanced back office functionality in the transmissions section. It also now supports WildFly metrics in Prometheus format.

  5. Order Management | Release 4.1

    Intershop Order Management 4.1 now supports Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server. Infrastructure updates include new versions of Wildfly and Adoptium OpenJDK. In addition, the IOM Docker images are now based on Ubuntu 22.04, so you can use an up-to-date software stack.

  6. Order Management | Release 4.0

    Intershop Order Management 4.0 features a single Docker image only, which reduces operational efforts for deployments. Optimized execution of database initialization steps and enhanced project image builds result in faster and more reliable processes.

  7. Order Management | Release 3.1

    The Intershop Order Management 3.1 is delivered in form of Docker-images, which can be used directly. Additionally, Helm-charts are provided, allowing the automated operation in Kubernetes. To see all further enhancements and updates, follow the link below.


BI Data Hub

  1. BI Data Hub | September

    We extended the product data with the product type to realize more differentiated filtering options for product data. As a result of customer feedback, the structure and format of customer and user data have been optimized to improve data handling with data warehouses.

    BI Data Hub now uses the NVARCHAR data type which supports both Unicode and non-Unicode characters.

  2. BI Data Hub | May

    We added a new data source to the BI Data Hub - information about registered corporate customers and users. For e-commerce and marketing managers there are reports with KPIs as well as detailed customer information available now. Which part of your customers has not yet logged-in, not bought, or was inactive over the last month? Which ones should you contact? Take control of the e-commerce audience of your digitization project!

  3. BI Data Hub | April

    For sales and customer support agents we added a customer-related report that helps in customer communication with detailed, customer-related order data, filterable over time period, company customer, and buyer. On the first page, a sales agent may compare customer behavior related to products, payment methods and product categories over two time periods. The second page offers detailed order information about which products have been bought in which order and date.

  4. BI Data Hub | Release 1.0

    Our Business Intelligence Data Hub is now available and provides features like real-time tracking, reports & dashboards with ready-to-use templates.
